At the Hearth
events and offerings…
Join our mailing list to receive details and dates for upcoming offerings. If you would like to schedule a consultation for a custom Hearth program, please send us a message on our Connect page.
The Online Hearth (for individuals)
Are you craving more meaning, purpose, and depth in your life? Join one of our online courses or conversations! We offer both short and long immersions to support folks looking to cultivate a more authentic relationship with themselves, others, and the cosmos. Being human is a trip and we are right there with you.
The Traveling Hearth (for groups)
Does your business, community, or organization need help meeting change in a more intentional way? Let the Hearth come to you! We offer professional development workshops and custom retreat facilitation for small and medium organizations looking to have a big impact in times of challenge and change.
The Desert Hearth (for everyone)
Do you – or your community – need a deeper recharge? Come to the mothership! Once our community center is complete, we will offer onsite workshops and retreats on our exquisite land in Northern New Mexico. Stay tuned for opportunities to go deep with the Hearth.
Want to know more about conversations and courses on the horizon? Join our mailing list for details and dates!
Some of the courses and conversations on our horizon include…
Journey to the Hearth: how to re-ignite your passion, trust, and intuition: An immersion with Bree
A new cosmology: bringing Space back into your life: A collaboration with philosopher and cosmologist Ari Makridakis.
Radical Leadership: how to cultivate your courage and humanity: An immersion with Bree
Building a house (and a worldview) you actually want to inhabit: A collaboration with biologist and builder Jake Beechler.
Incorporating art into the craft of your life: A collaboration with sculptor Len Zeoli.
Back to belonging: from cell to climate to cosmos: A collaboration with philosopher and cosmologist Ari Makridakis.
The disintegration of ecology: sometimes even entire fields need to implode: A collaboration with ecologist Blake Matthews.
It’s not just a job: how to succeed on your job search without losing your soul: An immersion with Bree
Join us at the Hearth!